We are more than happy to send pics, we have msn or email tanda.12@hotmail.com "as they say"|Yours will get ours, you must be female or a couple though
Hello there CJ and members. I have attended a few Gang bangs in my time but none since becoming seriously involved with my partner. I haven't attended any of your Gang bangs but have now (after a long long time) convinced my partner to become interested in the lifestyle. The idea excites her very much, but she is still very hesitant, which I understand is normal. She's is 5'2 and looks good in her stockings etc. I would like to very much to attend a party as a couple. Any words of encouragement or honest indication of your approval/disapproval, would be greatly appreciated - Regards John.
-- Edited by John5555 on Sunday 14th of March 2010 11:07:35 PM
-- Edited by John5555 on Monday 15th of March 2010 07:33:48 AM